VELscope Oral Cancer Screening System

What is VELscope?

VELscopeImagingIt is a FDA-approved light that is specially used for oral cancer screening. This new form of technology is effectively used to detect mouth abnormalities.
VELscope is the most powerful fluorescent visualization technology that uses natural tissue fluorescence to discover abnormalities in oral mucosa

Why is VELscope important?

VELscope plays an important role in the fight to reduce oral cancer mortality and morbidity by early detection.

Oral cancer is often discovered in the late stages when the prognosis is poor. VELscope can provide visual information that may not be apparent to the naked eye. Please ask to add this service to your yearly oral exam today.

VELscope is very important for a yearly exam
Implement this detection aid as part of your yearly oral exam.
It only takes one to two minutes and completely non-invasive with NO rinse dyes
According to VELscope VX the Survival rate when oral cancer when caught early is 82%.

According to VELscope VX over 35,000 North Americans will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year

VELscope Exam Cost

Call to include your Velscope in your next appointment (214) 872-2700